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Billy S. Guyton Distinguished Professorships

The Billy S. Guyton Distinguished Professorships, formerly the Barnard Distinguished Professorships, were established by Chancellor R. Gerald Turner to honor the best scholars on the faculty and provide an inducement for them to remain academically active and associated with the University of Mississippi Medical Center.

The organization's namesake is Dr. Billy S. Guyton, who served as a dean of the two-year medical school in Oxford, Mississippi. He is credited with leading the school through perilous economic times and preserving its faculty and integrity for expansion to the full four-year program.

The Guyton Professorship honorees are recognized at the annual UMMC Commencement, at which they are expected to wear the Guyton Professorship medallion that signifies the honor. Additionally, honorees are awarded a $10K stipend over a five-year period.

Past honorees

  • 2021-2026 (delayed 1 year due to pandemic): Barbara Alexander, Robert Brodell, Robert Hester, Alan Jones, and Richard Roman
  • 2014-2019: Robert Hester, Lius Juncos, Jane Reckelhoff, Richard Roman, and Richard Summers
  • 2009-2014: Julius Cruse, Rick deShazo, Michael Flessner, Joey P. Granger, Thomas Moseley, Jane Reckelhoff, and William Woolverton
  • 2004-2008: Julius Cruse, Rick deShazo, Joey P. Granger, Gregory A. Ordway, and S. H. Subramony
  • 1999-2003: Sandor Feldman, John E. Hall, Ing K. Ho, Michael W. King, and John C. Morrison
  • 1994-1998, formerly the Barnard Distinguished ProfessorshipsL. William Clem, John E. Hall, John H. Hembree, Jr., Ing K. Ho, John C. Morrison, and D. Jeannette Pullen

For more information, contact the Office of the Associate Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs.